Friday, October 15, 2010

Sisterly Love

This is my fave of all our pics from our summer vaca.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesdays Girl

Here is my birthday pressie, Tuesday. She is an American Pitbull. Here we
are at the beach on my birthday. She was not very fond of the water, however she loved the sand:)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ceilidh's Birthday!

My beautiful little girl, just turned 6! It only seems like yesterday that she was just a darling little baby, and here she is my big girl.
She is showing off her new birthday outfit.

She started the morning with a few pressies before school,(her new outfit, and a gift from nan). After her and Glenn trotted out the door for school, I marched into bed, hoping to get a few hours sleep.

I had just doozed off, when little miss (Ceilidh) was in my room, crying. It turns out that the sewers at school were backed up and school was cancelled. She was devestated! After a little coaxing, Daddy was able to calm her down, with the promise of him baking her cake, and making homemade pizza!!!!!!!

I wonder what other delights this day will have instore for my DD.

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Monday, November 16, 2009


Another shot of glenns handywork in the photo shop.
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Glenn has been spending some time playing with the photo editing progam, and here is one of my favorite pictures of Ceilidh.
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Grumpy Day at the park

Morgaine spent the day at the park today. I tried countless times to get a good picture of her, and this was truly the best pic, of the lot. She was pretty cranky, because her sister was not there with her.

I was sure that a trip to the park just me and by girl, would be a big hit, however, my darling little gem could only think of the fact, that Ceilidh was at school, not having any fun, and it was not fair.

I have no doubt that Ceilidh in Morgaines shoes, would have felt much differently.
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Friday, November 13, 2009

Wildlife Park

We went to the wildlife park today with the kiddies. It was a great way to spend Remberance Day, as there was very little to do, and it was too nice to stay home.
Ceilidh and Morgaine named most of the aniamals that we saw, above is "Horny" the Horned Owl.

The most favorite of all the animals was "Lucky" the moose. Ceilidh declared him "lucky" because he was lucky to be at the wildlife park, rather then out and being hunted by hunters.

Here is Ceilidh petting "Prancer". Morgaine was too scared to get close, however they were both on the lookout for "Rudolph". (Who would have guessed that Santa sends his reindeer to CapeBreton for Vacation?)

This is "SnowBall" the Artic Fox. He looked soooo cuddable. Morgaine thought it was a little kitty:)

Here is "Grumpy" the Cougar. He was pretty cranky, and grumbled at us the whole time we were there. I think we interupted nap time.

We had a great time roaming the park, and saw alot of other animals. We all were armed with a bag of feed, and had a great time.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A sunny but cold day

Buuuurrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! Just rolled outta bed and my oh my is it ever cold. Looking out the window, it is nice and bright however it is really really cold. Time to start sleeping in my flannels.

I don't really have any plans for today, other then staying warm lol. Mr. took the Jeep in to the garage yesterday to get some more work done to it, only to discover that we need a new heater core, not a big cost for parts, just a big cost for the labour as the whole dash needs to be ripped out, (OUCH). Must say I am not overly impressed at more money being spent on it. Why is it this stuff doesn't go wrong when it is still covered by insurance?

Ceilidh has been doing really well at school. It is great knowing that I can send her to school, and not have to worry as much about a trip to the principals office. I truly believe that we have her ADHD, under control now. Thank goodness we were able to do so with out the need for medication. The changes in her diet, has been great! She doesn't even really miss much of the foods that we have removed.

And finally I stumbled across this statement the other day and decided to share "Doesn't euphonious remind you of an attachment" True don't ya think???

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Old Branch Road.

Since Glenn got the Jeep lifted, and the new tires on, he has been wanting to go back roading. We decided that Thanksgiving day was the perfect day for this adventure. The road was pretty rough going, but it was great fun.
Here is a picture of the wonderful fall colours along the Ole branch road. It was a beautiful day for a drive in the woods.

Yet another picture from our trip today. I just love the red leaves.

During our drive today, my little Turkey Ceilidh seranaded us with the most wonderful Thanksgiving song.`
`We eat Roastbeef, We eat Roastbeef
oh so good, oh so good
On Thanksgiving day, on Thanksgiving day,
She then would substitute cake, potatoes, and carrots for the roastbeef. I think I heard this song no less then 4 dozen times. I certainly made for an interesting
trip. She is great entertainment when she isn`t cranky
Morgaine is not feeling very good today, and she slept for the trip. She seranaded us with
her loud rumbly snores.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First day of School!!!!

Well today is the day! First day of School for our little miss Ceilidh! She is so very very excited. I tried to get a pic of her just smiling at me, however she insited on using her "Mike" fingers. (yes she is still infatuated with Mike)

I promised myself that I would not cry when I left her, however that was as promise that was not kept. When I dropped her off, she just left me there without even a "See ya" She just proudly walked into the class room, sat down at a desk and said "Hello"to the little boy sitting beside her. LOL.

Today also marks the first day back to school for Glenn. He decided to change schools for this last semester. I hope that he has no trouble and can maintain his average. He will be done at the end of January, and will be graduating in June with the rest of the school. Then off to college in Sept. I am so very proud of his accomplishments. I know that it was not easy for him to go back to school at the age 42. I can not wait to see him graduate. What a party we will have that night!!!!

Soooooo......... now that school is in, it is just me and Morgaine at home during the day. I know that she is going to miss Ceilidh a whole lot. I am thinking that I may try and put her in daycare a few days a week. This will give her something to do, as well help get her ready for school next year. WOW, next year they will both be in school, what will I do during the day then?????? Sleep lol

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Friday, August 14, 2009


Well we were not very surprised to find that Ceilidh is ADHD. We have decided that we are going to true to treat this by adjusting her diet rather then medication. Most people believe that ADHD is caused by food allergies. One of the most common allergy is to red and yellow food dye. Well seeing how so many foods contain artificial colors, it makes sense.

We have removed all artificial colors from her diet, and have cut back the dairy products. Also we have stopped most refined sugars. This alone has made a very big difference in her behaviour.

On the suggestion of the Dr. we have also started her on Evening Primrose oil, and combinations of oils, that are designed to help focus. With all of these measures in place, she now a typical 5 year old, rather then an over hyper one.

I hope that when school starts that she will not have any trouble. The last thing we would like to do is to but her on medication.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fun in Englishtown

What started out as just a drive, ended up at a stop at the beach. It was to first be to drip the toes into the water, and ended up with jumping right in. Morgaines hair would not stay in her ponytail, and was a wet mess full of sand.

Ceilidh the ham was more then willing to pose for the camera. I must say this is truely one of my favorite pictures of her.

Here she is again, snuggling into dad`s arm and grinning again for the camera.

The day provided lots of smiles and laughs. Even though my pretty little girls, got themselves so very wet and sandy. Fortunately I had not taken the towels from the day before out of the Jeep. Even so, we did end up with half the beach in the Jeep. Good thing it was Glenns job to clean out the Jeep after that unplanned trip to the beach.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

P.E.I. Vacation.

Here are a few pic`s from our summer vacation to P.E.I. It was great fun!!! Even if everyone was sick while we were away. Heres a picture of Morgaine playing at a park in Charlettown.

Here is a picture of Ceilidh playing on a Spider Web. She was careful not to get stuck.

I was able to get this shot while we were headed to P.E.I. This is the two ferry`s passing. We had missed a ride on this ferry by one car. (Note to self next time make reservations)

This is us just missing the ride on the ferry. We did end up being the very first car on the next one. It was pretty frustrating however to be left behind:(

We were only gone for 4 days, however we did manage to pack in alot of fun during that time. I can`t wait till our next trip. We already have reservations made to go back next year.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hair Cut!!

Here is Ceilidh showing off her new hair-do. I was sure she was going to give me hard time at the hair dressers, however she did not. I think It helped that she was getting her hair cut just like moms! (At least thats what I like to think)

She is walking around the house like she is queen bee I tell you. Stopping to check her reflection out whenever she gets a chance to, and twirling around. As soon as we got home, she dissapered into her room, and changed into her favorite twirling dress, so she could spin, and be beautiful she said.

She keeps going on about how "Mike" is going to love her new hairdo, and can't wait to show him. I gotta say her obession with Mike is pretty annoying. Everytime she sees his car, she starts..............."Look theres Mike, go over and park beside him" and she even sings a song, "I like Mike, Mike, interesting, fasinating" shudder..............

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sea Glass hunt!

It was a very nice May day, when we decided it was the perfect day for the first picnic of the year. We loaded up the car, and stopped and the grocery store, for burgers and off we went.
Of course we headed in our favorite direction, Ivnveress.
It was too early for lunch when we first go there, so we dropped by the beach first. There was a cool nip in the air, so long sleeves were nessacary.

After a little playtime in the sand, the girls started the hunt for sea glass. Morgaine found some really big pieces today.

Ceilidh really work hard at filling her little bag. By the time we left it was full right to the top. Good thing, I made the strap extra strong, or she would have lost her 6 lb bag full of glass. (yes I weighed it when we got home)

Here is Ceilidh after she just found a nice big Green piece of sea glass. Horray!!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Beach in March

Who say's you can't go to the beach in March. We were out and about, and driving through Inverness, when we thought it a good idea to stretch the legs.
So where do you stop in Inverness other then the beach.
The kids had great fun playing in the sand. And we even found a huge bucket full of wonderful sea glass. The best time of the year I find to get your fill of sea glass is the early spring and the fall. It is almost impossible to find a single piece during the summer.

Glenn has started making pendants with the sea glass that we have been finding along the beach of Inverness. I will post a few pic's shortly of some of his wonderful creations.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Winter fun

We decided to go for a little winter adventure today. After working till 6.30 this morn, it was not an easy task getting my sorry butt outta bed at 10. Thank goodness that Glenn had the kids all dressed and ready to go.

We went halfway around the Cabot trail. Most times, we start in Cheticamp, this time we started at the other end. This pic was taken just past the before the base of Smokey Mountain.

Here is a picture from my favorite spot at MacKenzies Mountain. From here all you can see is an endless sky of mountains. It is even more beautiful in the fall when all the eye can see is the beautiful fall colours.

Here is a picture from around St. Anns. I really like this one. We had driven past this spot countless times in the spring and summer, and it never caught my eye until the snow and the bare trees.

And here is a picture of a woodpecker in the tree at home.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Girls

I am the very proud mother of two very beautiful little girls. Each day they provide me with a well of warmth. A day does not pass where I do not smile and laugh.

Ceilidh is the oldest. She 5 going on 6. She is a very busy and outgoing little girl. She keeps us on our toes. She is the one I worry the most about, however I know that she will be the one that will take the world on in a heartbeat, and come out on her feat.

The youngest it Morgaine, The baby. She has been called the baby since the very day she was born, 4 years ago. As she is getting older, she keeps insisting we refer to her as "Morgaine". I keep trying to, however she will always be my "Baby"

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years eve, at work

Well here it is New Years Eve, and I gotta work! Yeah!!!! Not that Glenn and I even really celebrate New Years, it still kinda stinks that I gotta work. The last place I want to be tonight is there, listening to the boys bellyache about not being able to get drunk. Then dealing with people that are probably to drunk to be getting into there cars!

Hopefully it is pretty quiet. The last thing I want is to get any type of escalation tonight. I would love nothing more then to sit and work on my emails quietly lol.